It's recommended to consult the JSON Pretty Format documentation in the OutSystems Forge to obtain more details about the implementation.
 This component is only for Traditional Web Applications. For Reactive Web Applications use instead the JSON Pretty Format Reactive component available in the OutSystems Forge.
1. Before starting
1.1. Install the last version of the component
Consult the JSON Pretty Format component in the OutSystems Forge and verify if the last version of the component is installed in your environment. If not, install it.
1.2. Create a component dependency
In the desired module, open the 'Manage Dependencies...' option, search for 'JSONPrettyFormat' and import the 'JSONPrettyFormat' Web Block. Apply your changes.
2. Pretty Format a JSON
2.1. Drag and drop the imported Web Block
In the screen element that should display the pretty formatted JSON, such as a 'Container', drag and drop the imported 'JSONPrettyFormat' Web Block. It is located under the 'JSONPrettyFormat' Reference, in the 'Interface' tab. Name the dropped Web Block 'JSONPrettyFormat'.
2.2. Fill in the Web Block parameters
The 'JSONPrettyFormat' parameters must be filled in. The 'OriginalJSON' is the unique mandatory parameter. Consult the parameter details below.
Input parameters details
2.3. Create a screen action
Right-click on the desired screen and select the 'Add Screen Action' option to create the pretty format JSON handler action. Name it 'FormatJSON'.
2.4. Refresh the Web Block
Open the 'FormatJSON' screen action created previously, and drag inside the canvas a 'Refresh' node between the 'Start' and 'End' nodes. Choose to refresh the 'JSONPrettyFormat' Web Block. If the Web Block doesn't appear in the dialog, it is because it was not given a name in the '2.1. Drag and drop the imported Web Block' step. Give a name to the Web Block and refresh it.
2.5. Trigger the pretty format action
To trigger and display the pretty formatted JSON, trigger the 'FormatJSON' screen action using, for example, a 'Button'. Don't forget that the button 'Method' parameter must be set as 'Ajax Submit' to refresh the 'Container' that holds the pretty formatted JSON.
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